Sunday, November 25, 2007

THE SEASONS OF LIFE by Jim Rohn, Part 5 of 5

This week is Part Five of our five part series on The Seasons
of Life.

In Part One of the series we discussed:

a) That life is about constant, predictable patterns of

b) For all of us, the only constant factor is our feelings
and attitudes toward life.

c) We as human beings have the power of attitude and that
attitude determines choice, and choice determines results.

In Part Two of our series we discussed:

a) Life and business are like the changing seasons.

b) You cannot change the seasons, but you can change

c) A major lesson in life to learn is how to handle the

d) Winter time allows you to get stronger, wiser, better. The
winters won't change, but you can.

In Part Three of our series we discussed:

a) Spring is the season for entering the fertile fields of
life with seed, knowledge, commitment, and a determined

b) It is the promise of spring that as we sow, so shall we
also reap, that for every disciplined human effort we will
receive a multiple reward.

c) There are just a handful of springs that have been handed
to each of us. Don't just let the seasons pass by.

In Part Four of our series we discussed:

a) Summer is a time of testing. All good will be attacked,
and every garden will be invaded.

b) All values must be defended.

c) Every garden must be tended all summer. If you don't
develop this skill, you'll never wind up with anything of

Now, in our fifth and final week, we will talk about fall, the
time of harvesting the fruits of our springtime labor. Fall
also presents us with our forth major lesson to learn in life,
and that is to learn how to reap in the fall without apology
if you have done well and without complaint if you have not.

For nothing is more exciting than a bounteous crop, and
nothing more dreadful than a barren field in the fall. We must
remember that in all areas of the human existence, what we put
into this world, we get back from it. It is nature's way of
evening the score. So regardless of the results, take full
responsibility for your crop. One of the highest forms of
human maturity is accepting full responsibility for our lives.

Which brings me back to the begginning of our discussion in
week one. We must remember that life is constantly recycling
itself. Much of life is about the balancing of two opposites;
like the positive and negative charge on a battery. Life's
balancing of opposites totally surrounds our lives; man/woman,
day/night, good/evil, life/death, water/land, summer/winter,
recession/expansion, joy/sorrow, etc.

Yes, I believe we will have major changes, but I also believe
we will continue to have just one winter, spring, summer and
fall each year. Much of our success will lie in our ability
and philosophy to plant in the springtime of opportunity. To
weed and cultivate in the testing time of summer, to harvest
without apology and/or complaint in the results time of fall
and to get stronger, wiser, better in the transition and
learning times of winter.

Remember it is not what happens to you that determines your
future, it is what you do about it.

So here's to a great, faith filled and prosperous new upcoming

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

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